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Stories of Hope

FALL 2023

Your partnership leads to amazing outcomes for children and families who would not otherwise have a place to turn for help.

Підходи на основі доказів:

Therapy helped Jaime understand, because of shared faith, he will see his grandfather again someday. He also knows he is never alone. Christ is always with him. Gradually, Jaime has resumed activities away from his parents and even spent part of his summer at a relative’s home having fun with cousins. 

Boy with Ball
  • Психотерапія

  • Травматологічна терапія

  • КПТ (когнітивно-поведінкова терапія)

  • PCIT (терапія взаємодії батьків і дітей)

  • DBT (діалектична поведінкова терапія)

  • EMDR (повторна обробка десенсибілізації рухів очей)

Підходи на основі доказів:

‘Deana’ was depressed from being unable to work for three years after a severe back injury and now living with chronic pain. Friends and family have helped her, but it remained difficult to support herself and 13-year-old daughter. Financial worry added greatly to her emotional stress, and she grieved being independent and self-sufficient.

In therapy, Deana let go of the old way and found courage to build a new life despite her daily pain. She was grateful to pay what she could afford for counseling, for the crisis assistance from Catholic Charities and the community resources with which she connected.  

School Teacher

Help people like Jamie & Deana.

Your donation helps so many.

Підходи на основі доказів:

After only a few sessions, he is more at peace. On his way out of his most recent appointment, Ricardo shared, “I am so glad I finally listened to the people who love me.”

Portrait of Mature Man
  • Психотерапія

  • Травматологічна терапія

  • КПТ (когнітивно-поведінкова терапія)

  • PCIT (терапія взаємодії батьків і дітей)

  • DBT (діалектична поведінкова терапія)

  • EMDR (повторна обробка десенсибілізації рухів очей)

Підходи на основі доказів:

‘Miles’ started therapy with his wife to save the marriage even though she had separated from him. She attended initially, but still decided to pursue divorce.

The couple had financial struggles, but because Miles could pay what he could afford each session, he continued therapy through the difficult divorce process. He adjusted to being a single father and is focusing now on being the best role model for his children. 

Father with his Son

Help people like Ricardo & Miles

Your donation helps so many.

Підходи на основі доказів:

 She found a career in which she is thriving, and she continues to move forward. Sally has even published a book sharing her experience with domestic violence as an encouragement to others who face that challenge.   

Mother and Daughter
  • Психотерапія

  • Травматологічна терапія

  • КПТ (когнітивно-поведінкова терапія)

  • PCIT (терапія взаємодії батьків і дітей)

  • DBT (діалектична поведінкова терапія)

  • EMDR (повторна обробка десенсибілізації рухів очей)

Підходи на основі доказів:

It seemed ‘Joe and Peggy’ could never resolve a problem. They were frequently arguing and misunderstanding one another. 

In couple’s therapy, Joe and Peggy learned to not take things personally; their spouse’s undesired behavior wasn’t meant to hurt them. They have increased their insight about how to work out issues without blame, remaining calm and really listening. They have weekly date nights, share household duties and report a loving relationship.

Couple Working Together

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(712) 252-4547

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Католицькі благодійні організації дають змогу та зміцнюють усіх людей і сім’ї через благодійність, адвокацію та психіатричні послуги, які надихаються любов’ю та співчуттям Христа.

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Служіть і допомагайте створювати спільноти, де всі люди в безпеці, відчувають любов і надію.

Ідеальна оцінка: 2019 рік Айова Психічне здоров’я Розділ 24 Огляд державного ліцензування

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Catholic Charities є гордим членом United Way.

United Way_10_ PLUS CLUB.jpg


24/7 Emergency Contact Numbers

  • National Suicide & Crisis Line: Call or Text 988

  • Your Life Iowa: Call 855-581-8111 for information, resources, crisis support and referrals

© 2022 Католицькі благодійні організації єпархії Сіу-Сіті |  Умови використання  | Політика конфіденційності

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